grijze vloer creates a scenario that reflects on the white cube with its connotations and promises. I tried to create a play of elements that reflects the idea of the sculpture, of the framework of a piece, where does the artwork start or stop, how to read the space and which elements could become a narrative. Every day the location of the objects would change to make sure that objects would not be easy to communicate about. Since I wondered why the exhibition space needs to be static and serious, I created scenarios where situations became unpredictable.
You see a metal beam that communicates with the ones on the ceiling. Tennis balls on the roof to include the outside with the inside. A copy of a dirty floor, what has been cleaned for the show and cut up in pieces. A pole to function for the viewer to follow it and see the beams up the roof. The package of ice cream cones on top of the beam to show the silliness of it all.
Every day I let a dog visit the exhibition — a shy dog, a dog who responded to the tennis ball on the roof or more tough dogs — with the idea that the choreography of the visitor would change and that it could change the experience of the work as well. This confused my pre-set choreography and resulted in a different choreography for each visitor, forcing unexpected scenarios to take place.